Author Alert! Rs. 739 Billion Indian Book Market Is a Reality. It Only Gets Better

5 min readJul 16, 2023

According to a survey conducted by *Nielsen, the Indian book market experienced a compound annual growth rate of 20% between 2015 and 2020, with a market size of INR 739 billion in 2020. The report also highlights that the digital book market in India is projected to grow at a CAGR of 35% from 2021 to 2025.

But, there has also been an explosion of writers and authors in India — which makes the landscape extremely competitive.

If you are a part of diverse author groups on FB and other social media, you will inadvertently be bombarded with digital marketing novices, who are plaguing us with their marketing services. More often than not, new authors keep falling into the trap of hiring someone who ends up losing a lot of their money.

The aim of marketing for authors should not be just selling this one book, but establishing a brand, and a long-term connection with a wider audience.

Harvard Business Review emphasizes the importance of emotional connections in marketing, stating that emotionally connected customers are more likely to be loyal and willing to pay a premium.

So, what can authors do to consistently build such a connection?

Here are a few strategies that I have found to work well:

Authenticity and Transparency

Be genuine and authentic in your interactions with readers. Share personal anecdotes, experiences, and insights that showcase your true self. Transparency about your writing journey, struggles, and triumphs can create a relatable connection with your audience. Having said that, in my personal experience too, I have found that when I write articles or posts without worrying about my vulnerabilities getting exposed, like this one, I get a lot of love and acceptance from my readers. It was a short article on why I did not leave an abusive marriage — and probably had nothing to do with my writer’s journey; yet, it was deeply personal. It was a piece of my life I shared with my readers. It somehow touched many people and it helped me too.

Engage on Social Media:

Actively participate in social media platforms where your target audience resides. Respond to comments, engage in conversations, and share updates about your writing process, inspirations, and upcoming projects. Interacting with readers in a genuine and approachable manner helps to build a sense of community. I find that Facebook serves well in this regard. You can find many people on Facebook who will appreciate the fact that you are a writer and they will like to visit your updates often. You will also find many useful groups that will let you discuss your writing issues; or people who can genuinely help you with reviews, cover designs, and/or suggestions. You can support other authors and get support in return.

Personalize Communication:

Make an effort to connect with readers on an individual level. Respond to emails, direct messages, and comments personally. Addressing readers by name and showing genuine interest in their thoughts and feedback fosters a sense of appreciation and connection. Most of the time, and especially if you are a female author, you may end up getting random, even unsavory messages. Ignore them and move on. Try and read all messages once a day and reply politely to the ones that look genuine. 7 times out of 10, such people will be happy to engage with your posts, and even promote your content.

Blogging and Newsletters:

Maintain a blog or send out regular newsletters to keep your audience informed about your writing progress, upcoming events, and exclusive content. Share behind-the-scenes insights, writing tips, or personal stories that resonate with your readers. By providing valuable content, you establish yourself as an authority while keeping readers engaged. More important, the tone of all your such communications needs to be warm and friendly and never authoritative. You exist only because they care.

Attend Literary Events and Book Signings:

Participate in literary events, book fairs, and signings to meet your readers in person. Engage in conversations, sign books, and take photos with your audience. This face-to-face interaction leaves a lasting impression and helps to strengthen the bond between the author and the reader. Such events are also a great place to network, exchange emails and numbers, and explore collaborative opportunities. I have recently gathered together a group of published authors willing to contribute to my upcoming literary magazine — for free.

Reader Feedback and Involvement:

Actively seek and appreciate reader feedback. Encourage them to leave reviews, share their thoughts on social media, or participate in contests or polls related to your work. This involvement makes readers feel valued and included, deepening their connection with you as an author. Find new ways of obtaining feedback — not just through Amazon reviews. Run a promo offer on your social media to give free books in return for feedback or reviews. Or be more creative and ask readers to point out a flaw in the book. It’s up to you, how much you can dare to go ahead with the feedback.

Collaborate with Book Clubs and Influencers:

Partner with book clubs or influential readers who share a passion for your genre. Offer author Q&A sessions, exclusive content, or even participate in virtual book club discussions. By engaging with these communities, you tap into a dedicated audience who are more likely to champion your work and spread the word. Book clubs are one of the essential communities that have the power to make your book’s fate — so, take them seriously. Find the local or the online ones in your genre and stalk them if you have to!

Give Back to Your Community:

Engage in charitable initiatives or community projects related to literacy, education, or social causes. Demonstrate your commitment to making a positive impact through your writing and involve your readers in these endeavors. This shared purpose fosters a deeper connection with your audience. This is a rather unusual suggestion, as most writers may not have the time or the resources to do that. Again, one way to do this is to declare some parts of your profits from books toward a charitable cause. For example, in my case, I donate 10% of all my earnings — from book sales and my marketing company earnings — toward stray dogs. I have a pact with God too — since I make the contribution as a %, he is supposed to help me increase the earnings if he wants to save more animals.

Finally, I would say, to have patience, stay consistent, and keep going.

Have a great day!


*Nielson Survey Reported in The Economic Times




Sometime aggressive businesswoman, mostly benign writer