Friendships are the Secret Gardens of Growth and Human Evolution

3 min readAug 6, 2023

For everyone who has friends lasting more than a decade — you already Won!


“The Secret Garden”

It is a book I read in childhood, and it deeply resonated with me. There was something fragile yet tenacious about the little orphaned girl that left an indelible mark on me.

Frances Hodgson Burnett’s timeless classic, “The Secret Garden,” is more than just a heartwarming tale of children finding solace in a neglected garden. At its core, this enchanting story reveals the transformative power of friendship and how it nurtures personal growth and fosters essential human values.

In the depths of Misselthwaite Manor, where sorrow and isolation reign, Mary Lennox, a young girl devoid of love and companionship, stumbles upon a hidden sanctuary — the secret garden. However, it is not just the garden’s vibrant flowers and lush foliage that captivate her; it is the unexpected friendship that blossoms with two kindred spirits, Dickon and Colin.

Friendship in “The Secret Garden” is portrayed as a catalyst for growth. As Mary, Dickon, and Colin form an unbreakable bond, they embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing. Mary, once sullen and self-centered, learns the joy of giving and receiving love, transforming into a compassionate and empathetic young girl. Dickon’s profound connection with nature helps them all embrace the beauty of the world and its interconnectedness, fostering a sense of harmony and serenity. Meanwhile, Colin, once imprisoned by his own fears, finds strength and courage through the unwavering support of his friends, discovering his true potential.

Through the development of their friendship, the children learn vital human values. They learn the significance of trust, as they confide in each other and break down emotional barriers. They experience the power of patience, as they nurture the garden, knowing that true growth takes time. Kindness becomes their language, uplifting each other and the world around them. And most importantly, they understand the value of acceptance, embracing each other’s flaws, and celebrating their unique qualities.

“The Secret Garden” serves as a profound reminder that friendships not only provide a sense of belonging and happiness but also act as mirrors reflecting our true selves. It illustrates how genuine connections can illuminate the darkness within and transform it into a beacon of hope and love.

As readers, we are inspired to cherish our friendships, for they have the potential to unlock our hidden potential and sow seeds of compassion, empathy, and understanding in our hearts. Just like Mary, Dickon, and Colin, we too can find our secret gardens of growth and human values through the profound gift of friendship. Let us take this timeless lesson from the pages of this beloved classic and nurture the gardens of friendship that will flourish and bloom for a lifetime.

Bon Reading!


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I am a bestselling author and a prolific blogger. I write on personal development, female rights, and the general state of our society. My first crime thriller book, Majid’s Diary, received wide acceptance among the readers and the upcoming second crime thriller, Illusion, is eagerly awaited. My books are fast-paced thrillers but with the backdrop of serious social issues, like Majid’s Diary was set in the 2014 Indian turmoil of increasing communalism, and Illusion is set within a backdrop of pervasive domestic violence in India.

I am also the owner of PhoenixRecreate Pvt Ltd., a business consultancy that provides academic, technical, and business research and reports. I also own a social media agency, The Socializers, that provides Google Ads, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Threads Marketing Services to businesses.




Sometime aggressive businesswoman, mostly benign writer