2 min readJun 23, 2023

From Hypocrisy to Harmony: Embracing Vegetarianism for Consistency and Authenticity”

Becoming a VEGETARIAN (not vegan yet) was not just about the planet or my health. It was about being consistent in my thoughts, ideals, and actions. I knew I was being a hypocrite, rescuing animals on the one hand and eating many on the other. Twice earlier in my life, this cognitive dissonance led me to become a vegetarian for several years at a stretch. But, eventually, I gave in to temptation or peer pressure.

Come on, who am I fooling, simply temptation, it was. Peer pressure works only on those who are already on the fringe like I was.

Then 2020, COVID arrived and everything changed.

Authenticity became the only important thing. Being the person I wanted to be was the only target. Till then I was on the fringe. Not only on my idealism but also on my so-called life targets.

I was wavering in my self-identity, and looking outside for confirmation and acceptance.

But now, there was scintillating clarity. It was so Black and White and spelled in Bold, that there was no other way.

I became a vegetarian and simultaneously experienced a transforming shift in my perception of myself.

I am who I am, now, without shame, hesitation, or doubt.

Cross me not, now.


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Sometime aggressive businesswoman, mostly benign writer