Sexual Harassment — It Never Happened.

2 min readMay 11, 2023

How a story of sexual harassment, another of India’s Missing Women got hijacked by a political narrative

Photo by Jimmy Fermin on Unsplash

How is a story of sexual harassment, and the story of India’s Missing Women getting hijacked by a political narrative

Sexual harassment and gender-based harassment are a stark reality, not just in India, but also in the world. But, I want to talk about its existence in India. It is happening in offices, in homes, on roads. Women are touched, groped, blatantly or subtly, depending on the location (public transport, marketplace) or office or alleyways. Women field comments, snides, sexually toned jokes, and taunts, from their colleagues at the workplace or from their extended family or husbands at home. Women often have to learn to steer clear of their husband’s bosses' radar. Women in non-traditional sectors like factories or the army face worse. All this is happening all over the world of course, and in India too.

Women are getting beaten up in lower-class homes, middle-class homes, and upper-class homes without distinction. Women are verbally, sexually, financially, and physically abused in all communities and castes in India without exception.

1 in 2 women has faced some form of sexual harassment in Indian offices.

1 in 3 Indian women has faced domestic violence at some point in their lives.

Most women choose to stay silent. When they speak, they are labeled as egotists, doing the bidding of some political party, or doing it to create religious discord.

Why aren’t gender-based violence and harassment ever let to be what they are?

They are GENDER RELATED CRIMES perpetuated by people in positions of power and control over others who are vulnerable.

No politics, no hidden agenda. Just a woman reporting a crime.

Let the women speak for themselves.

Inspired by the Olympic Medalist female wrestler sitting at India’s Janta Mantar, demanding justice for sexual abuse at the hands of their coaches.

#Vineshphogat #Wrestlers #domesticviolence





Sometime aggressive businesswoman, mostly benign writer