The Key to fearlessly choosing one’s Life’s Path: Stop listening to others.

2 min readJun 12, 2023

I left Google and started my work-from-home way before Covid made it the norm. I had left Google as there was no support for my kid, and I had to work from home as there was no financial support from her father. I just had to make ends meet. So, I started getting up at 4 am to start my freelance writing gigs — work was never scarce but it was tedious, stressful, and depleting. I would alternate babysitting, housework, and typing, and often fielding abuse and odd slaps. As I slogged through, 8 long years passed by me. It was slave work, under slavery.

When I left and slowly rose back from the ashes, I realized the hard rigorous regime had instilled in me so much discipline and compulsive hard work, that no one could beat me at the game. I can work 16 straight hours, and go the extra mile for clients, then work some more. I don’t have to, but I just do it out of habit. I just don’t give up, nor tire.

Today, I manage a household and two companies, take care of community dogs, write books and have an awesome kid and two naughty dogs. I have happy employees and wonderful friends.

Today, women come to me for advice. The only advice I have for them or anyone, is, never to listen to people who tell you, you can’t follow a new path.

Life is full of new pathways, and you choose where you want to go.

Take that first step. Move on.

Life is beautiful, don’t let anyone waste even a second of it.

*originally posted on my Facebook page @authorghazala




Sometime aggressive businesswoman, mostly benign writer